Just a few late pictures from Evelyns birthday. She requested Mexican food so we took her to On the Border for dinner and dessert then came home to open presents.
The girls on Evelyn's new cartwheel mat
The girls on Evelyn's new cartwheel mat
Worm and Evelyn
Snowflake Addy
Snow with a little flavoring
So Friday, Evelyn was supposed to have off from school, but since they had a snow day on Tuesday, they made them go. Not a happy camper but I promised her that we would spend Monday (another teacher workday) together just the two of us.
Something came over Addy today and she wanted nothing to do with a nap. She spent over an hour up in her crib partying before I went up and got her. So off course, by 5 she was exhausted. I put a movie on for them while I made dinner and a few minutes later she was out. Classic.