Thursday, May 22, 2008

Evelyn had her last day of preschool yesterday. Can't believe it is all over. Too sad thinking about it so I won't wallow on my posts until it gets closer to the big FDOK (first day of kindergarten). Grandma and Grandpa got here on Tuesday on there way back to NY. Evelyn just loves having family here to play with. When I took her to bed she said her favorite thing to do with them is talk to them. Evelyn, a talker? OK, so non-stop talker is more like it. It has been warm here but not warm enough to swim in the pool. Evelyn decided it was. She had Grandma and Grandpa get in their swimsuits and get in the pool with her. 68 degrees that water is. Now that is dedication. Evelyn turned out to be more talk than action but Adeline was her usual maniac self. She couldn't have cared if that water was 50 degrees, she was going in. So you see what my Summer will be like. What a determined soul she is.
Today we had 40 yards of mulch delivered. Yes, you read that right. 40! Can't believe I will be spending my next two days spreading that stuff. Only thing that could make it better is to have a visit from my favorite snakes while I'm out there. Minute I do, I'm inside showered with a drink in my hand.
The girls had a recheck for their ears today and Adeline had her very late, 15 month check-up. Today she turned 17 months. All is well. Adeline toughed out her 2 shots and is 29 3/4 lbs and 34 inches long. Oh, Bubba. After, we drove our hick selves to Nascar Speed Week uptown. What a people watching event that is. Lord! (can you see me shaking my head?) Evelyn seemed to enjoy herself. She got her face painted and she got to see what the race cars look like inside.
Well, wish me and my back luck tomorrow. Wonder when it will actually break, on the 1st yard or 40th.
Take that big Sis
Cold Blooded Bubba
Cheerio Kid at Speed Street
What's a festival without face painting?
Crazy girl at dinner time

1 comment:

Ali said...

Love reading this- glad the girls did great at their appts.