Saturday, May 30, 2009
What have we been doing? Me, I've been playing with my new camera and my two new lenses I've been waiting on for a month now. They finally came and I have been fiddling around with them nonstop. Of course, I don't have a clue what I'm doing, but just the thought that one day I will, gets me so excited. I've also been obsessing about patio furniture for our new pergola area, but can finally stop since we picked a set up last night. Not exactly what I wanted, but a third of the likey. So that is my playing. The girls have been playing in their new spaces upstairs. They really love them and they spend a lot of time setting up their stuffed animals and putting on shows for them. Our week long of rain finally ended and the girls and I hit the Y pool then came home and played outside for the entire day. What would you do with three enormous boxes leftover from patio furniture? Why make a three room Kiddy Shack of course.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
End of the 1's
So once again I've proved that I am bad about journaling and staying on top of keeping you all updated. I'd like to blame my brain being fried on our renovations, but I think my brain has never recovered since Adeline started taking my brain cells in utero. Or, maybe it is the fact that I liked my cheap beer too much in my 20's. We'll never know! So after today I will have to back track what has been happening here. Today..........its all about Bubba. Yesterday was her last day of preschool. Can you believe it? This year has flown by. I don't think she understands the summer break thing. She loves going to school so I'm curious to see how she reacts. For her last day, we hit the park with the rest of the 1 -3 year olds. Although she did seem to have a good time, she has been having stomach issues lately and asked to leave after 45 minutes. Poor thing. She hasn't been feeling the best for a few days now. Not too many kids I know ask to leave the park.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Reflection and thoughts from Mother's Day
I started this post way back so excuse the delay!
Don't we need more mothers days. Seriously, why aren't there more of these? Not just for the fact that the family attempts to make you feel more important or special. Ok, maybe just for that! Did I say that? But also for me to sit back and appreciate my amazing family and how lucky I am. To relax and not fly off the handle when my child refuses to ........(you fill in the blank) for the hundredth time. Maybe once a month, that would work for me. What do you think? Your right, once a week is better.
Early Mother's Day morning I was fast asleep. Enjoying my extra minutes of shut-eye when Brian wakes me to ask if Reynolds Wrap in the blue box, marked aluminum foil, is actually foil. Seriously? What would they do without me? Have to actually open the box to find out? Ah, the importance of me. So much for sleeping in.
Our mothers day weekend was spent cleaning our construction ravaged house. But Evelyn and I did sneak out for some strawberry picking. It was her first time and my first time as an adult. We had so much fun. Making the jam was fun too. It would have been even better if it had the consistency of jam and not syrup! Oh well, maybe next year I will do it right. It wasn't a total loss. The eight jars make a delicious topping to ice cream and yogurt.

Don't we need more mothers days. Seriously, why aren't there more of these? Not just for the fact that the family attempts to make you feel more important or special. Ok, maybe just for that! Did I say that? But also for me to sit back and appreciate my amazing family and how lucky I am. To relax and not fly off the handle when my child refuses to ........(you fill in the blank) for the hundredth time. Maybe once a month, that would work for me. What do you think? Your right, once a week is better.
Early Mother's Day morning I was fast asleep. Enjoying my extra minutes of shut-eye when Brian wakes me to ask if Reynolds Wrap in the blue box, marked aluminum foil, is actually foil. Seriously? What would they do without me? Have to actually open the box to find out? Ah, the importance of me. So much for sleeping in.
Our mothers day weekend was spent cleaning our construction ravaged house. But Evelyn and I did sneak out for some strawberry picking. It was her first time and my first time as an adult. We had so much fun. Making the jam was fun too. It would have been even better if it had the consistency of jam and not syrup! Oh well, maybe next year I will do it right. It wasn't a total loss. The eight jars make a delicious topping to ice cream and yogurt.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Remodel almost finished
Just some latest photos of the remodel. Almost done, just a few punch list items then we begin the outside work. Of course we still need to decorate and fill the rooms with furniture.
New hall
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A break in the rain
It has been raining on and off for the past 4 days but today we had some unexpected sun. I have felt confined to this house so much lately due to the construction that it was a great break to grab lunch outside with a friend and Addy's buddy Riley. They are getting closer to completion, finally. Carpet is being installed today and the end is within vision!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
remodel update
Brian and I spent the day at the Quail Hollow golf tournament (previously known as The Wachovia) that we have gone to for the past few years while E & A had a long day with the neighbors and sitter. They were exhausted when we picked them up at 6:30. Brian threw them in the tub and got them ready for bed. Addy was so tired that she fell asleep standing up while Brian brushed her teeth. A day of fun for all.
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