Monday, January 16, 2012

JDRF at the Checkers

JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) sponsors an event with the Charlotte Checkers to help get families involved and learn more about what they can do to help.  This was our second year attending. The girls had a great time playing while the grown ups walked around and talked to other families.  In this video they are dancing with the Checkmates.  Evelyn is in the pink sweatshirt, Addy in her Team Bubba and Bunny's Brigade shirt and their friend Madison in the polka-dot sweater.

The girls had such a great time and a lot of that was due to this sweet girl, Madison. She was just diagnosed in November at the age of 7.  She is the daughter of a friend of mine and Evelyn was in Daisies with her. Evelyn also has been in class with Madison's brother for 3 years. It is so awful that she and Addy have to go through life with this condition, but I'm so glad they have each other.

Showing off their pumps

At lunch before the game

Making their posters

Type 1 kids and their siblings and the Checkmates

Bubba and the checkmates

Madison and Evelyn with The Checkmates

I think this was my favorite part of the day. We walked up to a crowded area where there was a race car and a bunch of drivers and onlookers. The girls jumped the line and went around to the car. As I was telling them to come back and wait their turn, a driver said, "No, they are good, do you want to get in?" Next thing I know they are picking up Madison and putting her in. Little did I know that the driver is a young guy named Ryan Reed, a Type 1 himself.  So young, so sweet and doing great things for JDRF. Each of the girls took turns in the car and Ryan spent time with each of them. But the time he spent with Madison and how he talked with her was so refreshing.  I'm sure he won't remember, but I know I won't forget and I'm sure my girls or Madison won't either.  Looks like we may become race fans after all!
Looking at Ryan Reeds car

Addy and Ryan Reed

Evelyn's turn

Her game face (the red dot lets everyone know she has type 1)
A bribe of popcorn so she doesn't continually beg for this>

Chicken Dance!

Chuck the Puck

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