Saturday, March 24, 2012

Beater. Batter. Bowl.

Sissy has been busy all weekend with sleepovers, Girl Scouts & Soccer, so Addy has been in need of some "Special" treatment.  So we decided to throw caution to the wind and make some cookies for one reason...To Lick the Spoon.  Diabetes has taken away all the spontaneity of out life when it comes to food. Any food.  The best memories I have of making yummy treats with my mom is who gets the spoon or beater.  My brothers and I would all fight for who gets what.  Since Addy was diagnosed, that fun part of baking has been trashed.

Well, today Mommy felt bad that Sissy was having all the fun this weekend and we splurged.  Carbs? Who knows.  I just guessed and loaded her up before I let the licking begin.  Of course she turned licks into spoonfuls, finger swipes and bowl scraping.  It was so fun to watch her enjoy such a simple thing. Something everyone else takes for granted.

In her words, "This is the best day ever".  Really?  But sometimes, that is as simple as this kid needs.  Love you Addy. Today you made me remember how much the small stuff really does matter.

Waiting for the cookies!

Friday, March 23, 2012

With a little help from my sis


I'm the worst at setting up playdates.  Addy always has her standby best bud Riley across the street and she is perfectly content with playing with her everyday.  But Addy began bugging about having some friends from school over and I finally set it up.  They all got along great, colored, laughed and danced. Hopefully they can do it again soon!
Addy, Harper, Lily & Riley

Dance Moves (Coffee Grinder)

Squeezes for Riley

The Gang

Strike a Pose

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sea and Sky

Back in November we went to Florida to visit family. Little did we know, Evelyn had an agenda and was adamant that we go to St. Augustine.  Turns out she was after a specific item at a specific store.  She had been thinking about it for a year, the last time we were in St. Augustine.  In fact she already had their names picked out.  Well, we caved and Sea and Sky became members of the Brown Family.  They are pretty cute, I must admit.


Sky and Sea (Sea has the smiley face on his belly)


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Summertime Spring

Hard to believe it is March 17th. After spending the morning at the soccer fields, the girls decided to cool off with some buckets and the hose, while momma tries out her new camera before the St. Patty's Day festivities.