Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Brownie and the Potty Pooper

I know, Its been a while and I WILL do a bunch of posts to recap the last month...at some point:) But for now you will just have to hear the latest news. It was a big day for the Brown girls. Evelyn had her end of the year party at school and was given a certificate for being a " Lovely Listener". Apparently, she is a completely different child at school! She's getting sentimental lately and tearing up about the end of 1st grade. Tonight she told me she is preparing herself for the bus ride on Thursday (last day of school). "There's going to be a lot of crying you know mom." Regardless, she is very excited about sleeping in, staying up late, playing with friends, swimming and going to NY & FL.

Evelyn also had her Girl Scouts Bridging party tonight. This is where the girls who earned all their Daisy petals, move up/cross over into Brownies.

Evelyn and her leader Ms Grace

So the switch has been flipped. A couple of days ago Addy unexpectedly did #2 in the potty. It stunned herself and me. But I knew not to get too excited. Especially after two lovely intentional accidents all over my carpet/hall/stairs/tile floor and $100 later. Today she surprised me. Four, yes four, times she went to the bathroom and made the beautiful #2. We may have ourselves an official potty pooper. Amazing. As promised, or bribed, she will get a DS or DSI. Unless I can convince her of something else.

Daisy in training

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