Monday, November 29, 2010

Things Addy wants you to know

Me: “Addy, what would you tell someone if they asked you about Diabetes?”


“Getting shots, if you don’t you get really sick.” You got it Addy!

“You have to prick every time you eat.” Yep!

“You do not smoke when you have diabetes.”  Hmmm?

“Yucky and low, give something to me. When you’re high, you get shots. When just right, you just eat.” Not so much. You still need a shot!

“ I’m fighty when low.” What a great way to describe it!

Today we had Addy’s pump assessment appointment. We focused on three different pumps that would be good for her. I don’t know how we are going to decide. In the meantime, Addy came home with two on her: The Omnipod and the Animas. She has had them on all day and is sleeping with them on now.  The Pod is bulky and attaches right to her. The pro is there is no tubing to deal with.  The Animas is small but it has tubing and the pump itself has to be worn on her pants or in a pouch pack. With both, I can bolus her without having to hold her still and punch in her numbers. All remote.  So, we have a lot to think about before we decide on the “one”. She is stuck with it for five years so we better get it right! Price tag? Starting at $7,000 plus monthly maintenance (insulin, test strips, inserts, etc).


Probably should have taken these pictures before she devoured her dinner. Talk about an extended belly.

Monday, November 22, 2010

St. Judes - Give Thanks. Walk!

Evelyn's first patch she is working on in Brownies is her Marathon patch.  What better way to reach that goal than to make her walks mean something and help children at the same time. St. Judes was the perfect choice.  The Troop (incognito as the Sweettart Elves) did an amazing job and also earned the second most out of all the non-corporate teams.  It was a very moving day and the girls got to see first hand who they were walking for. Sometimes Evelyn doesn't understand that cancer doesn't care who you are or how old you are.  It also reminded me how fortunate we are even with Adeline's disease and it gave me a little alone time with my Evelyn.  Yep, it was a good day. I'm glad I wore sunglasses, and not for the sun.

The Sweettart Elves

Why we walk:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tuesday, Bloody Tuesday

I hear its a rite of passage; stitches. Mine were in my head after someone threw a rock.  Brian's, in his wrist from climbing over a chain link fence. Lets just hope it skips our first born. The good news is Addy has been better about sitting in her chair the right way. We will see how long that lasts, but the pain of getting them removed may help her make it through the week, at least! Tomorrow we will see if they are ready to come out. Wish us luck! 
I don't know what they put on her laceration, but it went from the gash above, to...


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pie with Grandma

Making pie with Grandma with the apples from Sky Top Orchard.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rewind - Easter

`Well, so much for my resolution about being organized. Come to think of it, there are a lot of things on that list that went out the window. Addy's diagnosis changed our priorities and our mental status, but... I can't use that as an excuse forever.  She is doing well, we are adjusting and live goes on.  Now its catch up time.

It wouldn't be Easter without baskets from Uncle Dave

Easter 2010 at Litchfield Beach, SC

Yanked them out of go...
Here. On the way to the egg hunt