Monday, November 22, 2010

St. Judes - Give Thanks. Walk!

Evelyn's first patch she is working on in Brownies is her Marathon patch.  What better way to reach that goal than to make her walks mean something and help children at the same time. St. Judes was the perfect choice.  The Troop (incognito as the Sweettart Elves) did an amazing job and also earned the second most out of all the non-corporate teams.  It was a very moving day and the girls got to see first hand who they were walking for. Sometimes Evelyn doesn't understand that cancer doesn't care who you are or how old you are.  It also reminded me how fortunate we are even with Adeline's disease and it gave me a little alone time with my Evelyn.  Yep, it was a good day. I'm glad I wore sunglasses, and not for the sun.

The Sweettart Elves

Why we walk:

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