Miss Confident: Evelyn got her 4th report card and it read: "Evelyn has become so confident! It's wonderful to see". A big change from her 2nd: "Evelyn is doing great academically, but she gets upset when she doesn't understand or is in new situations. We are so proud of her. Hard to believe there is only 2 1/2 months left before school is out.
Peter Rabbit:
"Once upon a time
a long time ago
there was a rabbit family
that lived in a big hole
under a big, big tree"
Evelyn's Kindergarten class merged with another kindergarten class for the performance of Peter Rabbit. The lines above were what she had to memorize (and easily did). The play was very cute, but she proved to be her whatever, anti-dramatic self like she did at her preschool graduation http://evelynaddy.blogspot.com/2008/05/miss-grumpy-preschool-graduate.html. She said she had fun but you'd never be able to tell. I don't think we will worry about her becoming an actress, maybe a movie critic. A darn good one.Momma Gets Away - Last weekend myself and two of my girlfriends hit the road for some much needed R&R and girl time. We stayed at The Wild Dunes Resort in Isle of Palms, SC. The rain held off for the most part, allowing us some shopping time in Charleston and some cold and windy poolside lounging. My only regret is that we didn't stay longer, but reality called and back to the daily grind! Thanks Jean and Ali for a relaxing, kid free time.
Out of shape Momma - They are still testing to find out why I get really faint and dizzy when I try to exercise with weights when my heart rate is elevated. This is the whole reason I stopped going to the gym and acquired this not so shapely body. Or maybe too many shapes! Anyways, waiting on the Stress ECHO result I took on Wednesday. Hoping no news is good news. Friday I was all ready to go to the gym and hit my Zumba class but my body had a different idea. While picking up the girls toys I threw my back out. So instead, I got to spend my time crying at the chiropractors office. I had a lot of plans this weekend, but they went wayside and the couch and bed took over. I did get to watch the girls at our neighborhood Easter egg hunt yesterday and ran a few errands today albeit slowly. My back and I are currently stationed in the recliner and that is where we shall stay the remainder of the day. Of course, it has to be 77 degrees and sunny outside. If this doesn't get better, the 7 hour drive to FL on Friday will prove to be very uncomfortable
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